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Birdy, Zoey, and Miel

Hal, 12, Marietta, OH

Ah, a beautiful day. Perfect for lying in the sun. Oh, my owners are finally awake! Hurry up, leave the house, so I can do whatever I want. Oh, and by the way, I’m Birdy, the black cat. My people think that I only sleep in the sun all day when they’re gone, but I actually have all sorts of fun adventures!

“Hey, Birdy, can I PLEEEEEEEEEEASE have a turn up in the cat tree? Please? Please? Please, please, pretty please with a delicious mouse on top?”

That’s my sister, Zoey, the tortoiseshell cat. She’s super lazy, and everyone thinks she’s cute, even I sometimes think so. 

I hear the front door slam shut, and I say to Zoey, “Do you want to come with me today?”

“Where are you going?” she asks.

“Just say yes or no, and then I’ll tell you. No changing your mind after, though.”

“Okay,” she mumbles. “I guess I’ll come.”

“Good,” I respond. “We’re going out a secret exit of the house and looking around outside, maybe even catching a bird, mouse, or even a squirrel! It’ll be a lot of fun, especially since I won’t be alone this time.”

A few minutes later, I take her to the exit, and we go through.

“I feel like I’m going to die, with all these weird smells and sounds. They’re too much!”

“Come on, Zoey, you’ll get used to it!” She sniffed. “I smell a mouse! Let’s catch it!”

“Okay, but you’ll have to teach me,” she said. 

“Hey, what’re you guys doing?”

Oh no. That’s Miel, the orange tabby, and she’ll tell Josie, one of our owners, anything. She might even reveal our secret about going outside! 

“Oh, I was just showing Zoey the sights and sounds of the outside. We were just about to go back in,” I lied.

“Can we stay out a little bit longer? This is so much fun!” Zoey exclaimed.

“Oh, all right, but only for a minute,” Miel sighed.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Zoey meowed.

We eventually caught a mouse, but Zoey didn’t like it, so I ate the rest of it. We made sure that we didn’t have the mouse smell on us, so that Miel and our owners wouldn’t know that we’d been out. 


We were just about to go in, but then Zoey saw a butterfly. She started chasing it, and I yelled to come back, but by then, she was already halfway down the block.


“Zoey! Come back!” I yelled. She heard me, turned around, and ran back. 


Our owners were already driving down the street in their car, so we raced back in, washed ourselves to make it look like we weren’t outside, and found comfy places to pretend to sleep.

When our owners got inside, they gave us nice cuddles, and all of us cats had a good end of the day.

But what we do tomorrow, not even I know.

The next day:

Ahhhh, what a wonderful morning! The sun is shining, the birds are fluttering, and my owners are still asleep. Again, I’m Birdy, and I decided last night that I would have a big adventure today, but I didn’t know where I was going to go. 

“Hey, Zoey? Where are you? I have a question for you,” I ask.

“Do you want me to come with you again on your adventures? Because if that was it, then I’d probably say no,” she mewed sleepily.

“Of course, it isn’t, because I don’t want you to waste my delicious mice, birds, and squirrels like you did yesterday,” I said. “I was going to ask you where I should go for my big adventure today.”

“Oh,” she replied, surprised. “You’re going on a big adventure? I have an idea! You can walk around the block, like you always told me was a ton of fun!”

“No,” I sighed. “I’ve done that before, and, oh, I got an idea from what you said! I’m going to walk around the next block!”

“What?” She gasped. “You know you have to cross the street to get there, right?”

“Yes, I know, Zoey. Just don’t tell Miel, or she’ll get me in trouble.” I whispered.

I slept through when my owners were leaving, so I didn’t know how much time I had to do it. 

“Zoey!” I called. “I’m going!”

“Okay!” she yelled from upstairs. “Bye!”

Then I left out of my secret exit, which I can’t tell you the location of because then it wouldn’t be secret anymore.

When I got outside, I went up to the street. 

“Here goes nothing!” I yowled. I ran into the street when there were no cars coming, and safely made it to the other side. Phew!

I started to walk around the block, trying to get in all the sights, sounds, and smells before I had to go back. Halfway around, I caught a bird, ate it, and then continued on, walking around the block. When I got back to the street in front of my house, I saw a car, and it scared me. I was so scared that without looking, I ran across the street. A car was an inch away from my tail before I made it across, but I was fine afterwards. 

When I got back inside, I saw Zoey, who must’ve been worried about me.

“Birdy!” she meowed. “Where have you been! It’s been a long time since you left, and it’s almost time for our owners to come back!”

Our owners came in and gave us some cuddles, and then went on with their day, and so did the cats.

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