Johnny, 6, Tallahassee, FL
1: Me as a Baby
2: My Kindergarten Class
3: My Love for Magic Tree House
4: My Disney Trip
5: The Quarantine
6: Disney +
Chapter 1
When I was a baby my mom and dad named me Johnny Speed like "Speed Limit." And I loved cold pacifiers. And I had a room full of baby toys. And I went to the Wondertorium now and then as a treat.
The Wondertorium has all sorts of stuff. It even has a doctor's area.
When I was 2, I discovered a place called Brevard. While we were there we met the Christy family, a very nice family with six siblings in it. There is also the castle playground. It is a very large playground shaped like a castle.
Brevard is famous for Beethoven, a famous composer who made beautiful music.
Before Brevard we went to Lyme and Newton to see my grandma. My grandma likes owls.
And guess what?!! My first word was uh-oh!!
And I think the name Johnny fits me very well.
To be continued…