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Sproingy the Bouncy Ninja Pools the School!!

Adam, 9, New York, NY

Illustration by Adam

Once there was a ninja named Sproingy. But he wasn’t just any ninja, he was a bouncy ninja!!

Bouncy ninjas were different from other ninjas for three reasons: Number one, they could bounce off anything they wanted to. Number two, weak weapons could bounce off them (with an exception to things like sledgehammers). And number three, they are just way cooler!

One day Sproingy was working in his lab when he thought of a brilliant idea! There was a school he really didn’t like, and all the kids didn’t like it too! It was like the home base for evil teachers, and worst of all, the donkey principal!!

“I HATE DONKEYS!!!!!!” Sproingy yelled, as he got out his Poolinater 6000, which could pool the whole school!!! Sproingy began his slow walk to the evil school. He met lots of monsters and donkeys along the way, which he turned into pools, which the children then happily played in.

He kept walking and noticed that the door to the school was locked, so he got his grappling hook and threw it at the widow. It stuck and he started to climb.

He climbed and climbed and climbed until he reached the top window. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a punching glove blasted out of the wall and knocked Sproingy off. He fell.

When he got to the ground there was a giant robot with laser eyes and a donkey with a Poolinator 5000 waiting for him. He narrowly dodged a pool blast from the donkey. He created two doppelgangers, mixed them up with himself, and then they all shot a pool blast at the donkey.

They all missed. The donkey pooled a doppelganger and the robot blasted the other.

Sproingy shot a pool blast at the donkey and pooled him!! One down, one to go. He pooled the door and ran in.

The robot chased after him. They ran past classrooms, the bathroom, and even the banister janitor (the janitor who cleaned the banister). He finally reached the laundry room and leaped backwards over the charging robot.

The robot got his head stuck in a washing machine! Sproingy turned it on, and it spun around and around and around until the robot's head popped off!! Yay!!

Two down, zero to go!! Sproingy opened another laundry machine. Inside was a cow. The cow said “Me name Moo mcMoo!! Me get me head stuck in dryer. It very dry in here. Me have Poolinator 6000.”

So they both left. They pooled lots of classrooms, bathrooms, duck plasma rooms, command centers, the banister janitor and the other boar behind the door who worked there.

They pooled the whole school except the central command center!

“I have been waiting for you,” said the duck secretary.

“Me too,” said the donkey principal. “Your Poolinator 6000 is no match for my Poolinator 8000, which can pool nuke, and her Poolinator 7000, which can go through things. WAHA HA HA HA!”

They fire blasted back and forth, even Moo mcMoo, but nobody hit their mark. Part of the room got pool nuked and Sproingy jumped back.

“Me winning, me winning,” said Moo mcMoo.

Then he got blasted.

“Me pooled, me pooled,” said Moo mcMoo (now Pool mcPool).

Sproingy whacked the secretary with his Poolinator 6000.

“That hurt, no fair!” said the secretary (a duck), as she got pooled by Sproingy!

Sproingy threw some dust in the air and now neither Sproingy nor the donkey principal could see!! They fire blasted at each other, but none hit.

Suddenly, a monkey fell out of the sky and knocked out the donkey principal. Sproingy pooled them both. He put Pool mcPool in a cup. Then he pooled the central command center!!

He raced back to his lab and created the unPoolinator 6000, and unpooled Moo mcMoo!!!

“Moo blaster pool pool!” said Moo mcMoo. “Oh, what the--? Moo? Moo got blasted? Moo get unblasted? Moo confused.”

And he trotted away.

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