Adam, 9, New York, NY
Once upon a time there was a cow named Moo McMoo. Moo McMoo had black dots and was white. He was not very smart. He lived on a farm. Moo McMoo will narrate from here:
Me ran away from my really stinky farm full of other dumb cows for 80 long days. When I got to New Pork, I ran right into an elevator. Me accidentally press button. Wow, button glow!! It bring me to balconies. Me jump off. Me bounce from tree to tree and land right in ocean.
For some reason me could breathe! So me swam down and down and down until me get into a place that very dark. So me ate a wiggly, slimy, bright, electric thingy. OUCH. It hurt!!!! But at least it was light. This world crazy!! Now ME glow!!
Me go into a big holey thingy and find the hidden land of wet cows. My friend Jimmy Cow not here. The cows were all wet and they liked it there. Uh oh, lights go out maybe cows have party??? Or maybe cow eating shark has something to do with it – EEEEEEEK!
Me run away. That thing scary!!!! Even scarier than llamas!!! And llamas SCARY! See you later. Back at the farm:
Okay, Mr. and Mrs. Buckethead, the owners of the farm, saw that one of their cows, Moo McMoo, was gone!!!
They immediately started a search party for Moo McMoo. But they accidentally left the cow pen door open. The cows all ran off north.
Suddenly Mr. Buckethead got an idea. He thought maybe the cows would bring him to Moo McMoo. They followed after the cows on big horses. Finally, they got to the cows. Do you think they found Moo McMoo??? NO!!!!!
But they did find something -- a bunch of worms and the middle of nowhere. Meanwhile, the cows all ran off with the horses into the trees. Mrs. Buckethead got kicked by a cow.
“What?” said Mr. Buckethead.
“Potato salad,” said Mrs. Buckethead.
She’s nuts, thought Mr. Buckethead.
Meanwhile all the cows were off in search of Moo McMoo. They found footprints, but for some reason they were at the same level as their heads.
“Uh oh,” said Mrs. Moo.
“We are sinking,” said Mr. Moo.
“QUICKSAND!!!” all the cows yelled. And they were right.
Okay. Mrs. Buckethead, in the middle of nowhere, the cows sinking, and Moo McMoo running away from a cow-eating shark.
Okay, back to Moo McMoo:
Me was swimming away from cow-eating shark when me eyeballs see something shar--...fluffy? With zipper? That no shark!! Me swim up to zipper! Me open it and me find inside of shark inside of shark. Me not knew shark have zippers!!
Anyway, me worst fears are true!!! It not just shark, it hybrid donkey shark!!! Donkey main enemy of cow and llamas!!!
Suddenly a llama swims down and does… what llamas do. Can you blame him?? But then suddenly more cows that breath in water fall out of quicksand upper room. They squash the donkey shark!!!
Yay!! Cows win! Me get to know llama. He nice. He named Lazy. Cows take nap. Llama continue doing what llamas do. And everybody happy. Except maybe donkey shark. He feeling squashed.
Okay, back to the Bucketheads:
Soon after Mrs. Buckethead went crazy, Mr. Buckethead did, too. They decided to become worms. That is the end for them, but Moo McMoo decided to continue on his adventure.